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Medical Gas Pipeline Systems

Medical Gas Alarm
The medical gas alarm is designed to remote monitoring the signals of medical gases installations with uninterrupted visual and sound notice to technical service personnel. The area alarm panel will display the status of up to six gases, showing up to two conditions plus NORMAL per gas. In addition, the 6 area alarm will act as a slave to another 6 alarm within 250 metres, using a two core screened cable.

The unit is designed to take signals from local pressure switches in operating rooms, ward areas, ICU/CCU and is available for both surface and flush mounting. The alarm system is flexible and simple to maintain. Only two printed circuit boards are used in the alarm unit keeping spares to a minimum.

Ward Vacuum Units
The vacuum unit will include vacuum regulator along with 0-760 mm of Hg vacuum gauge of 2 ½” size dial, 600 ml capacity reusable polycarbonate collection bottle with overflow safety trap with plastic side wall mounted type.

Oxygen Flow meter with Humidifier Bottle
Pressure Compensated Flow meter shall be of accurate gas flow measurement and control within a range of 0-15 LPM for use in a variety of respiratory therapy gas delivery system.